Providing onsite support, service, and sales assistance to Southeastern Virginia and Northeast North Carolina, TidewaterMac, LLC is the private practice of David O'Rork, a certified member of the Apple Consultants Network and Apple Authorized Business Agent.
Licensed and Insured.

David O'Rork
c/o TidewaterMac, LLC
P.O. Box 62873
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23466
757 581-0151
Whether you have a single Macintosh in a home setting, or a host of workstations in a corporate environment, TidewaterMac can offer a technical support solution tailored to meet your specific needs.
TidewaterMac offers a wide variety of support services, including set up and configuration; network, workgroup, and cross-platform network integration; digital video, audio, and multimedia development; graphic design; publishing automation; web development; and wireless technology.
TidewaterMac can provide advanced troubleshooting of specific technical problems, as well as ongoing training, support, scheduled maintenance, and hardware and software upgrades.
TidewaterMac support services can be provided as need arises on an hourly basis, or at a reduced rate in conjunction with a support agreement.
If you are looking to maximize and enhance your Macintosh experience, TidewaterMac can help. Whether you need a customized solution or a simple network set-up, TidewaterMac can add value to your investment.